Monday, February 15, 2010

Bert Mondays: Lost Cookies

It has been a busy couple of weeks what with snowmageddon and work and all, so I've been away from the blog for a bit. Sorry about that. Real life is sometimes painfully difficult, but it must be attended. Actually the last couple of weeks has been a bit like this clip in which Bert loses some cookies. I know someone took the cookies, and I'm pretty sure I know who, but I might be totally wrong.

On the other hand, the past couple of weeks have made me feel a bit like Ernie too: wrongly accused, confused, and desperate to prove that I'm really a good buddy who wouldn't take my best friend's cookies. All in all, it's a bit emotional. The moral of the story, I guess, is that when there are some missing cookies, you had best look around for a cookie monster.

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